All Saints Eve at the #OCSB

Which school will have more children grow up and try to imitate the Saints? School A or the OCSB? Which school had the Catholic Faith permeating the curriculum?

School A (non OCSB):



OCSB 2015 All Saints Eve

Because Hell is a Joke at Notre Dame HS

St MattSpooktacularassumption ocsbberryhill ghosts st gemma

Please read these warnings:


PS: an interesting article about ghosts

Orange and Black Day at #OCSB . Does faith permeate #OECTA schools?



First, a VERY important article by author Michael O’Brien on Protecting your family from the Culture of Death:

“Finally, stand firm. Be willing to be misunderstood. Be willing to be considered fanatic, paranoid, and obsessive-compulsive. But always stand firm, with love—calm, unshakeable love—with an iron core of determination. No defensiveness, no hardness of face or heart. Just be unbudgeable. “


The following is an example of a school where faith PERMEATES the entire school as per


In contrast, OCSB celebrates “Orange and Black Day”

OCSB Black and Orange

and how does the secular OCDSB celebrate this Friday?? Why it’s also Orange and Black Day! No difference!

OCDSB Black and Orange Day


These are some pictures from past All Saints’ Eve at OCSB:

halloween1 halloween2 witches walking


#OCSB insults taxpayers with Liz Scandals Photo-op . #ottnews

Last week, the Globe broke the story of the Liberals paying off the teachers unions in order to get deals signed before the federal election.

“The OSSTF spent $385,000 during the 2014 provincial election as part of a union campaign against the Progressive Conservatives. The OECTA spent $2.1-million. Both unions backed Working Families, a Liberal-supporting union coalition that through several electoral cycles has run attack ads against the provincial Tories. This was not the first election where the unions spent big to back a side. It probably won’t be the last.”

Sadly, the Globe sat on this story for an extra day or 2 to help Justin:

Sadly. the money for the union “costs” came from programs for needy students. It is still unclear where the money came from for the “net zero” bonuses and raises for teachers. Special needs?

At the same time, the Liberals are unilaterally cutting doctors’ fees and refusing to go to binding arbitration. Doctors – the ones that work evenings and nights and weekends and Christmas and Easter and March break. As well, CHEO has had to lay of nurses.

So, three days after this scandalous union payoff is allowed to announced, the OCSB proudly hosts Liz Scandals and does photo-ops with her!

Liz Scandals and OCSB Liz Scandals at Holy Family on Friday

Why introduce children to pro-abort, pro-union-payoff politicians!!?

Perhaps, the Director of Ed should pay more attention to getting TEXTBOOKS for all children??!!!!


Meanwhile, an OCSB teacher (and probably many others) showed her joy to students on the win of pro-abort Justin. These are not Sunny Ways or Sunny Days for people who are pro-life!

Sunnyways Trudeau OCSB
“Sunny ways” Trudeau OCSB

Too bad, the children never heard the homily by Fr Yves Marchildon of nearby Annunciation parish:

Here’s another teacher who is probably happy??:

St Thomas More teacher and Justin

.. and this VP?

Trudeau cool

EOCCC Ethics horribly confusing our children with Kohlbergian ethics #OCSB #TCDSB


Do you wonder why OCSB children stop using Catholic morality? Do you wonder why they support abortion, contraception, euthanasia?

Well, one way comes from teaching Kohlbergian philosophy. This should NOT be taught to catholic high school students, much less 9 year olds!

Cardinal Pell did his Masters thesis on Kohlberg and came out against the use of Kohlbergian ethics in Catholic education

Eastern Ontario CCC is the group that writes curriculum for the 4 eastern Ontario School boards including the OCSB

The following new religion curriculum is for Grades 4-5-6 (ie. ages 9-11)

EOCCC Unit 2 Lesson 4 Christian Morality Kohlberg  <– PDF

Imagine teaching the Heinz dilemma to a 10 year old?

Kohlberg1 Kohlberg2 Kohlberg3

Kohlberg should DEFINITELY not be taught to 9 year olds!

Here is Cardinal Pell on Kohlberg:

Cardinal Pell Kohlberg

Here is more Cardinal Pell on Kohlberg:


“Of course, one might agree with much of this and still reject the strong conclusion; one might say, “Yes, I accept the idea of moral truth. I just reject the particular set of moral truths the Church proposes.” This approach has been tried many times. The endorsement of law as “form” which allows us to reject any determinate “content” and to construct our own content is common to various subjectivists, intuitionists, and Kantians. It is found, for instance, in the still-influential writings of Lawrence Kohlberg.

For the earlier Kohlberg at least, morality is simply certain rational constraints upon freedom; morality is the content-free requirement of form upon our reason. Kohlberg himself equivocated over whether morality is truly empty of content or gives us a little guidance. It is certainly hard to take seriously the notion of morality as contentless logic”a kind of color-in-the-picture-for-yourself ethics. Anyone in a real-life situation that requires moral strength, honesty, and accuracy would surely be repelled by the advice that “morality has nothing to say about the details of your choice; it’s all up to you.” To say this is to abandon people when they most need and expect guidance. “


Read about Kohlberg here: How Not Teach Morality


Also see the disaster that Kohlberg created in founding the “Cluster School” that failed after 5 years:

Kohlberg Education Fiasco Cluster School
Kohlberg Education Fiasco Cluster School


“Yet one of the main thrusts of recent moral education has been to set reason up on its own: to create, in effect, a culture-free morality. Kohlberg, for example, thought that children should become autonomous ethical agents, independent of family, church, and state.”


Since the early 1970s every passing secular educational fad seems to have found an immediate welcome in Catholic education. Dewey, Piaget, Kohlberg, Transactional Analysis, Values Clarification, “non-directive” sex education, misinformative anti-AIDS education, “Protective Behaviours” programs, have strutted and fretted their hour (or their year, or their decade) upon the stages of the Catholic schools. Yet one looks in vain through Catholic educational periodicals, or to CEO courses, for critical analyses of any of these fads or their gurus.


Related to this cultural crisis, and exacerbating it in many ways, were the internal crises of the Church itself, as Catholic education began to implement theories ultimately traceable to dissenting theologians and, beyond them, to influential secular thinkers (the Harvard educationist Lawrence Kohlberg, for example).


PS: Kohlberg also seems to be taught in Grade 9 and Grade 12 in Ontario catholic schools–%20What%20Must%20I%20Do/Moral%20Development%20Lesson%202.pdf

PPS: Kohlberg was a secularist who taught at Harvard. He killed himself by walking into semi-frozen Boston Harbour. He had been suffering from long-term abdominal pain.

ADDENDUM: Kohlburg is also mentioned in this book from Queen’s University Press:

Beyond Obedience and Abandonment: Toward a Theory of Dissent in Catholic Education

How much does #OCSB respect parental rights? #ottnews #wfmp2015 #ocsblove

The whole “sex ed” exemption thing is a rather minor point and is not an effective strategy for parents. The overall EIE programme (no exemptions) is much bigger and much more serious. For example., gay “graphics novels” in Grade 6, sexually explicit lesbian novels in high school (Colour Purple), activist GSA presentations at assemblies, etc etc. etc This has all been documented in other posts in this blog by our Association. Even if you could exempt your child from EIE, your child would be missing English, Math, social sciences etc etc. EIE PERMEATES the curriculum!

This link shows an example of a school retreat that is not part of the sex ed in physed class:


Back to the sex ed exemption thing…. a friend of the CIA has given us some FOI info from the OCSB.

Early draft versions of answers to parents and for the website, information was included informing parents of their right to get their children out of sex ed classes (they children would learn what was taught an hour later in the schoolyard, but that is another tangent)

However, the OCSB explicitly decided that they don’t want to tell parents of their rights! It is like a police officer not informing you of your rights upon arrest or the government passing the Charter of Rights and not making any effort to tell anyone.

What kind of respect for parents is this?


Apparently telling parents their rights is “promoting” it – see below





Original Draft website with info about exemptions:

Original Website draft

What is on the website now:

Final Website

#CARFLEO conference to have yet another dissident keynote speaker! #OCSB

Ex-Nun Mary Jo Leddy, co-founder of “Catholic” New Times paper – now defunct

Her book, co-written with deRoo and Roche, is analyzed here:

the same old usual tired stuff.. pro contraception, pro women priests, pro intercommunion with Protestants, etc etc

The Catholic New Times also pushed these things and was banned from the parishes of some dioceses. It was the Canadian version of the “National Catholic Reporter” (banned by its Bishop from using the name Catholic but they ignore him)

Keep your children away from these “Religion” teachers!  Easy to do in high school (for those that don’t homeschool etc)

Dissenting anti-Catholic proLGBT film shown at Peterborough “catholic” GSA. #pvnccdsb #ocsb #ocsblove

This blog has been warning people about the film “Owning Our Faith”


Now, we read that it was shown at a P’boro GSA:

Catholic GSAs

Owning our Faith in Catholic GSAs

same author:


PFLAG at St Matthew’s High School in Ottawa:


Please write respectful letters to Bishop McGrattan of Peterborough about this: (not that he can do much with government-run “catholic schools”)

More on the LGBT push at “catholic” #WFMP2015 . #OCSB

The Webles-Godin Presentation on “Family diversity” at “When Faith Meets Pedagogy” looks strikingly similar to one he gave with a “queer mom” at the Guelph Sexuality Conference. Check out its program to see its bizarre sessions

Welbes Diversity 2 Welbes Diversity 1

Parents: this is where your taxdollars are going. And this has nothing to do with “sex ed” per se. It has to do with the wider EIE/Accepting Schools Act/Bill 13 push.

Does Bishop McGrattan know what is going on at this conference?


What does OPHEA believe about parental rights and consent in sex ed? #OCSB

We have been worried for a long time about OPHEA and their influence on “catholic” school boards. OPHEA has strong influence in the areas of sex ed and EIE.

OPHEA Pamphlet:



School board login to OPHEA Lesson plans (for OCSB, TCDSB, etc)


This blog post by Chris Markham is VERY insulting to faithful Catholic parents:

“Critics of this curriculum would like Ontario to adopt abstinence-only or value-based programs which are not only misguided but potentially damaging to young people’s health.”

“While critics have supported a campaign of misinformation about this curriculum….”

“…contraception methods, reproduction, sexual orientation..”

“The evidence is clear: abstinence-only programs do nothing to stop premarital sex or to equip students with the information they need to prevent pregnancy and STIs.”


This past week, OPHEA had a conference. Speakers included Liz Sandals, and Ken Jeffers of TDSB

Jeffers is a graduate of St FX University, but he is no friend to faithful Catholics. He was the one who proposed the addition of gender ID and gender expression to Bill 13.

Googling Ken Jeffers TDSB brings up his LGBT agenda:



While the above presentation has some concerning inferences, this blog will reserve judgment until we see a copy of this presention (if it is not kept secret).

However, following tweet by a person in the audience (retweeted by OPHEA) is VERY concerning. Does OPHEA believe that parents’ consent is not needed for children to participate in sex ed classes?? There are no parental rights, just the individual rights of children? No religious rights? No denominational rights?


OPHEA and NO Parental Consent

Apparently, parental CONSENT is not a priority for OPHEA?

Ironic given, they also had a seminar on consent:



Jer’s Vision (CCGSD) tweeting about Ken Jeffers presentation at OPHEA:

OPHEA Accepting Schools Jers Vision


“Catholic” school boards are VERY involved with OPHEA:

OPHEA Catholic

OPHEA Sex ed


Minister Sandals was at conference:

OPHEA and Minister Liz Scandals


Obligatory yoga sessions. Yoga is a big part of the PhysEd program at both catholic and Public school systems:


====OPHEA Yoga OPHEA Yoga2 OPHEA Yoga Cards



#OCSB class pushes Gender Fluidity as part of UN Gender Equality

The Church strongly and officially disagrees with more than 1 of the UN’s new 17 goals. Goal #3 (Health) and Goal #5 (Gender equality) push “reproductive and sexual rights” (aka abortion, contraception, etc)

Here is the @theworldslesson’s take on the matter:

Goal3 health (incl repro)

But when an OCSB class learn about the UN Global Goals….

It is unclear what Azzi’s class was taught on Goal 3 and whether they were taught that Goal 3 has some FUNDAMENTAL problems.

However, in moving to Goal 5 Gender Equality. The class immediately uses a Gender Fluidity picture showing men and women in various configurations of pink and blue. This just shows the the HPE Sex Ed /EIE gender fluidity curriculum is taught across the board in various classes. They even put it in places where the UN doesn’t even have it. The liberal UN talks about men and women! (but note that Goal#5 also pushes abortion and contraception)

UN Global Goals

Azzi class trans

The World`s Largest Lesson – Mrs. Azzi`s Grade 6  <–PDF of presentation


Church’s belief about “transgender”

“In the Vatican’s full response – which the bishop provided in his statement – the congregation explained that transsexual behavior “reveals in a public way an attitude opposite to the moral imperative of solving the problem of sexual identity according to the truth of one’s own sexuality.”

“Therefore it is evident that this person does NOT possess the requirement of leading a life according to the faith and in the position of godfather and is therefore unable to be admitted to the position of godfather or godmother,” 

#Catholic Principals (CPCO) and LGBT and Wynne/Levin #OCSB

The “catholic” principals  organizations is in cahoots with the Ontario Immoral Sex Ed Ministry of Education/indoctrination to come up with an Equity and Inclusive Education (EIE) project for LGBT students


All the key phrases are used “EIE”, “deliverables to the Ministry”, etc

What is NOT mentioned? CATHOLIC teaching!

What are the chances that they will show LOVE to students with same sex attraction by telling them the TRUTH?



“Parents and local Catholic communities of faith depend on Catholic school boards, trustees, principals, teachers, counsellors and chaplains to transmit faithfully the Church’s moral teachings to their Catholic students, always with charity, gentleness, tact and understanding. In the case of inappropriate moral conduct the duty of Catholic schools is to guide students into morally acceptable paths. “

“The Church makes a critical distinction between orientation, and conduct or behaviour. The Church clearly teaches that homosexual acts are immoral.11 Included under homosexual acts are genital sexual activity and erotic relational behaviour with a person of the same sex. Thus, romantic behaviour between homosexual persons is morally unacceptable, because it points toward future sexual relationships that are non-marital. Romantic behaviour is not confined to a set of defined activities. It is a description of one-to-one relational behaviour which involves sexual attraction”

“Adolescent students are not always the best judges of their own sexual orientation. When a student discloses a same-sex attraction, it does not necessarily mean that the student is homosexual. “

“While the Church respects an individual who has done his or her best to come to a correct moral judgment, it is not obligated to accommodate a decision based on an individual’s erroneous conscience. This includes a student who blamelessly arrives at the mistaken conclusion that homosexual acts can be morally good. There is an objective truth concerning moral issues; and error, even when blameless, does not change the nature of this truth.”


All the above excerpts are in contrast to:


Also, will the CPCO Resources teach children with gender identity issues (aka transgender) what the Church’s teachings are? Will they show them the work of Dr Paul McHugh, former Chair of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins?

“In the Vatican’s full response – which the bishop provided in his statement – the congregation explained that transsexual behavior “reveals in a public way an attitude opposite to the moral imperative of solving the problem of sexual identity according to the truth of one’s own sexuality.”

“Therefore it is evident that this person does not possess the requirement of leading a life according to the faith and in the position of godfather and is therefore unable to be admitted to the position of godfather or godmother,” they said, referring to canon 874 §3 in the Code of Canon Law.”


We have warned before that EIE is a bigger threat to Catholic children than the sex ed curriculum alone. The above CPCO/Wynne plan is yet more evidence!


PS: A couple bonus links that we may discuss in a further post: TMHS

Already in 1988, an Ontario Bishop was warning against FULLY ALIVE (and it is much worse now)

Bishop Roman Danylak of Canada reflected the same teaching as the Roman Pontiffs and TMHS in denouncing a Canadian chastity program called Fully Alive:

It ignores the latency period of our children and therefore can contribute to the loss of innocence. It gives group instruction in intimate sexual matters although the Church has specifically forbidden this. It is woefully deficient in its treatment of moral principles. It often ignores the Church’s teaching on sin and grace and modesty. It does not distinguish between the different degrees of maturity in the same class, as the Church tells us teachers must do. It violates the principle of imparting information on sexual matters only at the point of development when this is needed. The ‘Fully Alive’ program is not a program for formation in Christian virtue but a program of imparting sexual knowledge to children . . . This sex education program descends to the level of child abuse.

Yoga at #OCSB – Leading the children astray

We have talked before about the spiritual dangers of Yoga. It is not “just stretching”. If one is not careful, your freshman daughter at university will not be going to Mass and will be talking about yogic philosophy, getting her chakras aligned and going to yoga classes on Sunday mornings.

However, yoga is widespread in Ontario “catholic” schools. It is throughout the HPE Phy Ed program, it is via chaplains, it is via Grade 11 Yoga in the Chapel for the unit in “World Religions” on Hinduism.

You are your own Creator?


Read all the spirituality parts of this OISE essay from this Yoga teacher in the classroom:

A New Approach to Holistic Physical Education: Yoga in the Classroom

Rogers_Deborah_C_20116_MA_thesis  <– PDF

“Presently, in the spiritual realm, I see a glowing red dot between the centre of my eyes. I hear deep, somber and poetic chanting in my head and I feel my body turned 8 deeply in a direction where only breath can allow me to go further. I inhale positivity and exhale frustration. My mind is enlightened by the sight of my body doing something unfamiliar and unpredictable. This peaceful place of self -discovery is like the morning sun rising behind the mountains. As the rays of the sun, seep through the cracks of rock marking the beginning of a new day. I am open to the possibility of reaching “true happiness” and clarity of mind. My spirituality is now known to me through my yoga practice and no longer through the ancient prayers I once recited. My religion is familiar and important to me but lacks the personal connection that I so strongly desire. I am drawn to the part within myself that encompasses more of the world and not just my people and I see great purpose in this hopeful space. “



A VERY quick search finds all this yoga at Assumption, St Anthony’s, Convent Glen and St Elizabeth Ann Seton. We are certain there is much much more!

St Elizabeth Ann Seton McConville Yoga

Yoga assumption

St Anthony Yoga

Convent Glen Nov 2015 Yoga

“Volunteer Yoga Instructor/School Mentor : St. Isidore (Kanata), St. Gregory, St. Anthony, Our Lady of Victory and St. Mary.”

$70,000 for an #OCSB “Christian Community Day” #ottnews

Last week, the #OCSB spent $50K on a conference for principals at a resort in the 1000 Islands. This week is a $70K “Christian Community Day” on the Friday of a long weekend.

Past keynote speakers (paid for with our taxdollars) have included MEGA-dissidents Sr Helen Prejean and Mark McGuigan

Past CCDs have included a Eucharist Celebrations with the Archbishop. This year, his schedule says he is at CATHOLIC Community Day. Wishful thinking by the Archdiocesan office that the school board is not, de facto, the Ottawa Anglican School Board (OASB).

Archbishop Catholic Community Day

Banners for a groovy Grateful Dead concert?? Or an OCSB PD Day?


Are they mocking nuns

Sister act

The “day” all wrapped up before 1?


Imagine what $120K could do for special needs kids?

Updated: sister act original goal by author was to subvert the Catholic Church



Homosexual Ottawa Priest goes crazy on twitter again #ocsb

His Past:

He teaches at the Ottawa Faculty of Ed.. teachers for the OCSB etc!

Now, he gets angry at the Archbishop for not celebrating a flag (the Archbishop was at WMOF in Philadelphia). And the “foreign” monarch is the Queen of Canada!

And he goes twitter crazy the day the gay Polish priest at the CDF puts of his manifesto with his boyfriend.

Remember, this whiny  priest ignored the 1961 LAW when he got ordained (similar law in 2005). And he whines about being “stigmatized”??


samson stigmatized

Also, pro sex ed.. and prefers Fete Nationale to “SAINT Jean Baptiste Day”..

Will school internet filters for porn be turned off by The Ontario Sex Ed agenda? #ocsb

They are judged “ineffective” by the new sexting Curriculum in the new Sex ed courses:

This is what the curriculum says:


This is very sad.. it discourages parents from even TRYING!! And may affect school boards too. Why bother having them at high school if they are “ineffective” and stifle learning?

Sadly, children will suffer in the end:

This is a recent W5 show on porn and children:



I was intrigued by this tweet by the Deputy Director of Education at the OCSB:

Internet filters equity

and this one:

TDOttawa 2

It’s Blocked! How Internet Filters Impact K-12 Learning
Presented by Doug Johnson, blogger and author; Dr. Joyce Valenza, Director of Rutgers University Masters of Information Science Program; and Michelle Luhtala, Head Librarian, New Canaan High School, CT
A comprehensive 21st century education should help students build a positive digital footprint, but many students don’t have access to the online learning tools this requires. Join Doug Johnson, Dr. Joyce Valenza and Michelle Luhtala for a conversation about the impact of overzealous filtering on teaching and learning in K-12 schools. Doug and Joyce will explain how opening channels of communication for learners improves equity, teaches digital citizenship, and promotes intellectual freedom.


#OCSB and Grade 2 Social Studies and the LGBT Book by Todd Parr

More proof that taking your children out of a couple afternoon’s of sex ed is not enough. The “EIE” LGBT curriculum is spread across all courses (English, Social Studies, math, science, etc etc)

A senior #OCSB teacher has tweeted these resources for Grade TWO Social Studies. In fact, it is based on a LGBT book on diverse families:

Rola TC2 Social Studies Grade 2 The Family Book Ontario Social Studies Resources on Diversity in Families:




page 74 of


It is all based on The Family Book by Todd Parr

Family Book Todd Parr

Family Book LGBT

It is one of Elton John’s favourite family books: see his Instagram post:

Elton John's Fave Family Book

PS: I note that diversity doesn’t extend to polygamous Muslim families that exist in Ottawa. These are defacto not de jure. One has a legal marriage with one wife and quiet religious marriages with the other wives. Apparently they are based on love too, just not politically correct like gay “marriages”

PPS: OCSB is an official partner of the TC2 consortium:

PPPS: The law of gay “marriage” says this:

WHEREAS everyone has the freedom of conscience and religion under section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

WHEREAS nothing in this Act affects the guarantee of freedom of conscience and religion and, in particular, the freedom of members of religious groups to hold and declare their religious beliefs and the freedom of officials of religious groups to refuse to perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs;

WHEREAS it is not against the public interest to hold and publicly express diverse views on marriage;

Why won’t OCSB express the CATHOLIC view of marriage??!! ONE MAN- ONE WOMAN ONLY!

Update: This blog is certainly no fan of US Common Core and doesn’t think it can be made “Catholic-compatible” in any way. But even the CCCII has stopped the use of “The Family”

Spending of #OCSB 2015/2016 Budget


Ever wonder of what it costs to have a child in the Ontario government school system? It costs almost $12K/child or nearly $360K for a room of 30 children

82% of the OCSB budget is taken up by salaries and benefits (pensions, contraception for teachers etc). You can go to the sunshine list to see teachers and admin making over $100k/yr

Let’s now look at the “supplemental” spending

Given things like the $50K  spent on a Gananoque resort in 2013 ( ) , it would be interesting to look at the 2015/16 budget and let the reader decide if this is good value for taxdollars.

A few highlights:
 1) The amount of conferences, professional development, supply teachers for teachers off at conferences, etc is across so many pages that is impossible to add up. The amounts are huge
2) the Christian Community Day is now up to $71,000 for a few hours of gathering (up from $65K). It even pays for supply teachers so teachers can go to choir practice
CCDay Choir
2) Is the Directors Conference at the Glen Resort in Gananoque again?
UPDATE: Looks like it. And the conference is TODAY
See this tweet from Principal McGuire from the 1000 Islands at 3pm today
PrincipalMcGuire Thousand Islands
OCSB Posen
3) The advertising and marketing budget is HUGE! You pay for all those banners, newspaper ads, web ads etc
 Budget CCD
Budget Conferences
budget advertising

Remember, for every extra child sent, the Board gains another $11K+of which to be “stewards”. Parents should reflect on this.


A teacher calls the Jim Richards show on 1010AM in Toronto and claims not to know that taxpayers pay her salary. Stunning.

Today at 3:25pm Jim took a call from a teacher who wrote an Op-Ed recently about the current teacher dispute.|By showgram