LGBT activst prof et al attack UofT St Mikes president #catholic #toronto

Take what Valpy says with grain of salt. he is an NDP anglican. Not sure if i believe the Cardinal Collins wants St mike’s bit


McGowan queered St Mike’s College and was a critic of the Bishops Respecting Differences document and also attacked Peter Kreeft. He is closely associated with dissident OECTA union etc too

WFMP 2017 Dissident keynotes #catholic #oecta #ocsb #carfleo #tcdsb #s2bgn

OCSB gets a pro-GSA dissident to speak to 3000 teachers


PRAY for the faithful Catholics at St Mike’s eg the Scheptysky Institute etc

Why is Fr Martin’s “bridge” so dangerous? The planned “next step”!

The next step is over-turning the teaching of the Church!! Will Fr Martin tweet is disagreement with Fr Santora?? NOPE!! That is the agenda!!


Fr Santora also said evolving parish work on LGBT issues needs to be informed by contemporary theological and scientific research. These insights shed light on how to pastorally implement church teaching in the manner favored by Pope Francis, which emphasizes conscience.

Using the Archdiocese of Newark as an example with its several Catholic colleges, Santora said “[s]urely there are theologians who can lead a summit on where we go in light of the latest scientific research as it applies to the LGBT community.”

Santora recommended that theological research at local levels begin with John McNeill’s The Church and the Homosexual, published originally in 1976:

“Though [McNeill’s] Jesuit superiors initially gave its imprimatur, the Vatican forced them to rescind it and silence McNeill, who eventually was bounced from the Society of Jesus.

“He continued writing, but he also served as a psychotherapist to the gay community up until his death at the age of 90 in 2015. His book tackled the real implications of a fixed orientation, which requires a new moral and theological paradigm. His reasoning offered gay men and lesbians hope and affirmation to lead a moral life.”



His whole life he looked for that. He read the influential 1976 book The Church and the Homosexual written by a Catholic priest that explained how the Church wrongly interpreted all those references in the Bible condemning homosexuality. The book explained that monogamous same-sex couplings were consistent with the teachings of the Church. Lee says the book by Father John McNeill made him “justified in deciding to come out of the closet.” Father McNeill later wrote an autobiography in which he explained he lived a widely promiscuous gay life far removed from any notion of Christian sexual ethics, gay or otherwise.


Archbishop Durocher allows Eucharist for some divorced/remarried WITHOUT Confession #catholic

We know where the Archdiocese of Ottawa stands:


NO Communion without Confession and a Firm purpose of changing lifestyle (eg. living as brother and sister) is what is the rule in Ottawa.

Now we have a Poland/Germany situation here in Ottawa-Hull. Different teachings when you cross a river!!!!

Across the river in Hull, it is all about accompaniment, and less than 100% of divorced and remarried folks can receive with confession. Not 0%, not 100%, somewhere in between.

The Archbishop’s biblical analogy is weak!!! We are not talking about pork chops in Greece. We are talking about the State of Grace to receive the Body and Blood of Christ!! Why talk about 1 Cor 8 about Greek meat when one can quote 1 Corinthians 11:27-29

27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves



Some argued it would be sacrilegious to eat the meat. Others argued the meat was not sacrificed to real gods — “what they’ve done is a kind of empty religious ritual, so I can eat it.”

St. Paul responded that while everything is permissible in Christ, “not everything is constructive,” Durocher said. “You might feel eating this meat, there’s nothing to it, there’s no harm, but the person next to you might not be at that level in that faith or might have a different approach and you are scandalizing them and you are breaking the unity of the community.”

“So it is good to do that?” he asked. “Maybe it’s permissible but maybe it’s not constructive.”

The archbishop said the overall message of Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia deals with accompanying and supporting people who may not be living the ideal, helping them to discern where God is leading them and helping them to integrate into the Church.

In Chapter 8, the Pope “kind of opens up” the possibility of communion in a footnote to a discussion on how accompaniment, typically by a priest, can help people grow in their faith, the archbishop said. The footnote says “these can include on certain occasions access to Reconciliation and Communion, but the Pope doesn’t say what those circumstances are.”

Durocher stressed that a couple of months ago, Pope Francis said this is not a question of saying all divorced couples can now come to Church and receive communion.

“So it’s at the level of a personal discernment, trying to find where the Spirit is leading us, and the Pope hasn’t given more precision than that,” he said.


Archbishop Durocher has also been naïve about FutureChurch and presented to this radical dissident group. NOT GOOD!\

Check out his Sing and Walk Blog as to why he agreed to speak at FutureChurch!



How can one be #Catholic and protestant at same time? #ocsb #s2bgn


We are sure this fellow is a better Christian than 98% of the kids attending this school….. but….




This sect is fundamentalist Protestant. 66 books in Bible, only 2 sacraments, etc How can someone who thinks that being Catholic is an honour and responsibility donate 400 hours of volunteer work to this denomination? What is he and the OCSB thinking?????





Former #Catholicteachers #OECTA Prez doubles down to support immoral teachers’ “private lives”

He called Teachers clauses “fascist” and should be illegal.

And was unwilling to say that a lesbian OECTA teacher in a “gay marriage” could tweet about being being proud of her 3rd abortion and speaking about it proudly at a “pro-choice” rally, should face ANY employment ramifications!!

As long as teachers don’t cross the path of Pope Wynne and Bishop Mitzie Hunter and stay clean with the “progressive” Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), everything is FIIIINNE!

This is the thinking of members of Ontario English Carnal Teachers union.





NARAL Abortion League and #OECTA together against Morality Clauses

OECTA is firmly against any morality clauses for teachers. If a teacher want to wear a “Proud of my abortion” shirt and post it on her facebook, there is no problem according to OECTA. Same with same-sex marriage, IVF, etc etc

NARAL also has the same view! They are pushing a bill in California to stop Catholic teacher morality clauses.


There is a LONG history of teaching that a teacher’s personal life DOES matter!!


The integration of religious truth and values with the rest of life is brought about in the Catholic school not only by its unique curriculum, but, more important, by the presence of teachers who express an integrated approach to learning and living in their private and professional lives.



Example Teacher morality clause here. They are called what they are “Teacher-Minister”. Chaplaincy leaders in Ontario already use the “clergy” tax rebates. But OECTA is opposed to considering teachers in any sort of role like that would limit their lifestyle choices!!


Another one:

Teacher-Minister agrees to comply with all policies, handbooks, rules and regulations of the School and of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Teacher-Minister also agrees to exemplify Catholic principles in a manner consistent with Teacher-Minister’s relationship with the Catholic Church and to refrain from any conduct or lifestyle which would reflect discredit on or cause scandal to the School or be in contradiction to Catholic social doctrine or morals.  While the School does not mean to suggest that Teacher-Minister is involved in such conduct or lifestyle, by way of example, such conduct or lifestyle that is in contradiction to Catholic social doctrine or morals includes, but is not limited to: cohabitation outside marriage; sexual activity out of wedlock; same-sex sexual activity; use of abortion; use of a surrogate mother; use of in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination; advocacy (defined as presenting or promoting as acceptable) for conduct, lifestyle, positions, policies, programs, causes or movements in contradiction to Catholic social doctrine or morals; and/or flagrant deceit or dishonesty.  Teacher-Minister further agrees to teach and act consistently in accordance with the mission statement of the School and to strive to aid in the formation of students by personal witness so far as conscience allows to the stated philosophy and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (these can be found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is incorporated herein by reference).

Yet another reason why “Catholic” education in Ontario is so much worse than in the USA!!!

CTF conference pushes govt edctn monopoly. #oecta too! #catholicteachers

VATICAN: whenever the State lays claim to an educational monopoly, it oversteps its rights and offends justice…


Meanwhile, Canadian teachers have this forum:




The Catholic church SUPPORTS school choice, private schools, etc etc!!

In 1987, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith articulately communicated that “whenever the State lays claim to an educational monopoly, it oversteps its rights and offends justice… The State cannot without injustice merely tolerate so-called private schools. Such schools render a public service and therefore have a right to financial assistance.”



The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “Parents have the right to choose a school for them which corresponds to their own personal convictions. This right is fundamental,” and “public authorities have the duty of guaranteeing this parental right and ensuring concrete conditions for its exercise” (CCC #2229).   Additionally, the Code of Canon Laws emphasizes, “The Christian faithful have the right to a Christian education by which they are to be instructed properly to strive for the maturity of the human person and at the same time to know and live the mystery of salvation” (No. 217).


Former #OECTA Prez supports EGALE genderbread, believes CCCB Bishops wrong . @archtoronto @cccb_cecc







No Church teaching on trans? Wow





CCCB Bishops:




#OCSB #TCDSB . Troubled CARFLEO gives award to Genderbread Person promoter

#OECTA EGALE partnership was about Genderbread not “bullying”. @archtoronto #tcdsb



#oecta pushed C16 trans bill which church opposes! #catholicteachers @archtoronto

OECTA are big behind C-16 Trans bill. They push Genderbread person etc. Meanwhile the actual Holy Catholic Church opposes!!

OECTA Bill C-16



While the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops supports Bill C-16’s intention to protect Canadians from harm, some of the principles behind the legislation – even if widely accepted in our society – cannot be endorsed by Catholics. The most serious of these is the claim that gender is separable from biological sexuality and is to be determined by the individual. This central tenet of contemporary gender theory is not in accord with natural law or Christian revelation and has therefore been explicitly rejected by Pope Francis and by Pope Benedict XVI.

According to Genesis, we are created male and female, in the image of God (Genesis 1:26, 27). Each of us – man or woman – is challenged to fulfill our human vocation in a way that is individually unique yet true to what we have been created to be. In the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2332 and 2333, each man and woman “should acknowledge and accept” his or her biological sexual identity, including “physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity,” which “affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul.” This identity “especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others.”











Does #OECTA believe in Chrislam? #catholicteachers

OECTA appears to believe that children can be Catholic and muslim at the same time!!

Is Jesus God or is he simply a muslim prophet?

Is God a trinity or not?

Is Mary is the Mother of God or not?

Was Jesuscrucified and rose from the dead?


Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?


OECTA paid for this blog post and tweeted it:

Why Our Mixed-Faith Family Made the Easy Decision to Get a Catholic School Education




Blog quote:

Once we started the discussion of having kids together the conversation quickly panned to religion and in turn education. As two very stubborn people we did have some back and forth. I wanted them raised Catholic, he wanted them raised Muslim, and then we realized that we can raise them with both religions taking equal importance. We didn’t have to choose one or the other, one of us did not have to lose out, and the kids in the end would win.


This post is part of the YummyMummyClub and Ontario’s Catholic Teachers #CatholicTeachers sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.

Former #oecta Prez believes that divorce/remarriage is NOT adultery . #catholicteachers

Apparently, Jesus was talking about the lack of alimony in Mark Chapter 10.





Apparently, jim wants to defend Henry VIII, Jim’s friend Jack Layton, and all the divorced and remarried (without a decree of nullity) “Catholic” teachers out there.


Does #OECTA encourage lesbians to live chaste lives as per CCC2357? #catholicteachers

Michael Coren stating this FACTS in 2012 before he apostasized:

Some background first. In Ontario, as well as most of Canada, state-funded Catholic education is generally about as Catholic as an Orange Lodge meeting in East Belfast. Non-Catholics assume that eager little Papists are indoctrinated into the Roman faith, but if only this was the case. The vast majority of Catholic teachers — while often decent and dedicated — are non-practising and even anti-Church.

They are divorced, gay, abort and use contraceptives, live together, never attend mass, reject Catholic teaching, are indifferent or even hostile to the religion they are supposed to be part of.



HERE IS BUT ONE EXAMPLE: taken from public facebook posts.

Michelle Blais (head of #OECTA LGBTQ provincial group) and  partner Caroline Schaillee

Anyone heard of Southern Ontario Lesbian Educators (SOLE)?? Some sort of lesbian teacher dating club?

“20th anniversary. Not “married” but happily together in all the ways that count”










Will anti #Catholic Michael Coren be paid to give an lgbtqss2setc talk to #oecta ? #catholicteachers

Proabort anti Catholic Michael to speak on Gay issues with oecta. Sadly, no surprise to this blog!!



Related links:


Anti-Catholic Michael Coren wants parents to send their kids to “catholic” schools #ocsb #ottnews


Before he became Anti catholic



Michael Coren, Crypto-Anglican becomes Anglican


@michaelcoren morphs into anti- #Catholic Jack Chick figure. @winnipegnews







Will Wynne try to win election by closing down Catholic schools? #onted #onpoli #ottnews

Steve Paikin is VERY knowledgeable. He is quite neutral but has ties to Liberals via his son Zach.

Is this a trial balloon?

OECTA would be furious, but ETFO and OSSTF would be 110% behind

OECTA is trying the “school choice” card, but we suspect that they only support where parents only have a choice of 4 systems. Apparently, 1-3 systems are bad and 5-20 systems are bad. FOUR is the perfect number for OECTA. We wonder why?

Polls show 51-38% would support the closure of schools.

How else can Wynne win?? Things like “reduced” Hydro and $15 minimum wage have not moved her up in the polls.

The MSM media will be preparing the ground from now until the election with “polls”, columns, editorials etc—wynne

The premier acknowledged there are some in the province who want the government to do away with the Catholic system.

“That’s not what we’re going to do. It’s not what I believe should be done,” said Wynne, noting the current configuration is a reflection of Ontario’s history. “We can have that debate another day.”

Is another day the 2018 Election???


This blog supports tax credits(with NO strings attached) to give true choice to parents to give children authentic truly CATHOLIC education!

PDF of Church Teachings on Education:

Education quotes




Even rural #catholic boards see “catholicity” problems #oecta #onted

Even rural “catholic” boards are worried.. apathy in staff, low numbers of practising Catholics, practising teachers who don’t witness, etc

As you can see from pic at bottom, even rural OECTA groups have gone all in with the LGBTQ agenda. It is not just OECTA HQ in downtown Toronto with the wild LGBTQSS2SETC agenda

Faithful Catholic families are withdrawing their children from heretical religion classes (just need to change MPAC tax designation, despite what Pat Daly from OCSTA says)


PDF:    What We Value About Catholic Schools







oecta bruce