#OECTA’s embarrassing propaganda on “#catholic” schools #ocsb #toronto #ottnews #onted

Addendum: https://catholicintelligenceblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/12/ottnews-ocsb-tcdsb-ontario-catholic-schools-have-identical-moral-results-to-public-schools/

OECTA is rolling out a new propaganda campaign. Videos, talking points, social media ads etc

A long video last night introducing it is here:


It is sad to watch. Especially her answers on how classrooms are already Catholic enough, support for LGBTQ etc. She refused to answer 2 prolife questions (how can she, given her FAFIA abortion endorsement?)

Check out the video at

The video is also available here until Saturday:


“Lessons for Life”. This is IDENTICAL to what Public schools would say! CARDUS survey shows that catholic grads participate in elections and volunteer at almost same rate as public school grads. NO difference!

Lessons for Life.JPG




PDF of guidebook: Social justice, yada yada, fairness, yada yada, common ground, yada,

This part is laughable given OECTA signing the FAFIA abortion-support document, marching in Gay parades (against Bishops’), lgbtq push, genderbread persons, etc etc etc


Looks like OECTA is heading into another battle like the Kielburger (who is pro Planned Parenthood btw) video that had to be pulled by the “catholic” trustees. Both Public and Catholic schools have their We Day clubs etc from Free the Children.. social justice, values, yada yada yada. Same thing with Roots of Empathy which runs in both Public and Catholic schools:


OECTA “values” are not distinctively Catholic values. They are IDENTICAL to the values in the Public system (authenticity, non-judgemental, inclusive, charity, global warming, etc etc)

DON’T let this OECTA propaganda go unchallenged!! The FACTS are against them!

Please share on social media and counter act their campaign in mid April. Studies like the CARDUS study are show below. OECTA’s horrible anti-Catholic behaviour cannot be tolerated!

While OECTA pushes nebulous terms like “Catholic values”, “self-authenticity” etc, the Catholic Church actually teaches that people who act out as transgenders are not leading a life according to the Faith”! OECTA refuses to tell students this, whether it be Eli Marentette or Gigi Gorgeous from the Peel Catholic Board

Transgender and the #Catholic Church #ocsb

“In the Vatican’s full response – which the bishop provided in his statement – the congregation explained that transsexual behavior “reveals in a public way an attitude opposite to the moral imperative of solving the problem of sexual identity according to the truth of one’s own sexuality.”

“Therefore it is evident that this person does not possess the requirement of leading a life according to the faith and in the position of godfather and is therefore unable to be admitted to the position of godfather or godmother,” they said, referring to canon 874 §3 in the Code of Canon Law


OECTA will have you believe that catholic school make better citizens and are more involved in “social justice” than Public schools. This is plain wrong. The major Cardus survey disproved this!!!


The bad news is that Public “Catholic” High Schools are WORSE than
Public schools in many areas:
– more likely to support Same Sex Marriage
– more likely to want even bigger government
– more likely to feel helpless in dealing with problems in life
– more likely to believe that Religion is a Private Matter that should be Kept
Out of Public Debates about Social and Political Issues
– less likely to feel an obligation to vote
– less likely to believe God or the Bible Help Me Decide what is Right
and Wrong

– less likely to have boycotted a company for its political or social views and less likely to have participated in a demonstration or protest

Areas where Public and Public Catholic are virtually identical:

– volunteer hours

– rate of cohabitation before marriage


2016 results:

•no difference with public schools of rate of divorce
•Catholic grads more likely to be gay/bi/trans
•same as public school in believing so-called gay marriage is ok
•do not volunteer any more than public school grads
•more likely to believe that science conflicts with religion
•-Less likely than public school grads to believe the bible is an infallible guide for behaviour

The Cardus surveys are much more rigorous than the Catholic ICE study (no comparison to non-Catholicschool grads, 75% women, etc etc)

#TCDSB #Catholic religion teacher to have discipline hearing #oecta #carfleo #toronto







Is this the first time she did something?? Did any other teacher over the last 40yrs notice something but refuse to report it??

Leanora Brown

In another case, this time as a victim:

Remember: Ypur children can be exempted from ALL high school religion classes simply by changing your tax roll to be a Public School supporter. Do it! Better still, homeschool your children or find an orthodox Catholic school!

#OCSB Diversity Day not diverse enough? #catholic #s2bgn

Need to talk more about the 62 genders and 15 sexualities and White male privilege apparently.

Gender Diversity



Wonderful COLF conference to be ignored by #OCSB #oecta #carfleo etc #catholic

Update 2:




Archbishop Prednergast wishes he was there




Doug Farrow called Genderbread person a RUSE. It is!!




EXCELLENT COLF conference!!


What is sad is that this will be ignored by ICE, OECTA, CARFLEO and all the educators who run the Ontario “catholic” school system. They will teach children about “genderbread persons”, gender identity, Gigi Gorgeous, etc etc. Instead, school boards will pay teachers to go this concurrent conference:

Click to access FINAL-AGENDA—PROGRAMME_.pdf

Why is the TRUTH being hidden from our children?? And why is this acceptable to the Bishops of Ontario??

Third Way



We have not watched:

Charity and Clarity

Given the current social and political climate of our country, conflicting messages are common surrounding the topic of male and female sexuality. This talk will examine common misconceptions held about same-sex attraction, with an emphasis on pastoral support, the dignity of all persons, and the importance of chastity.

Speaker: Dr. Michael Horne
Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Time: 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Session: 1


#DPCDSB illegally forcing students to take religion class! @CP24 @citynews @ctvtoronto @torontostar #toronto

#OCSB Update of Religion Class exemption

The only way a board can refuse exemption from these courses is if the parents are on the tax rolls of the English Separate school system. Both Catholic and non-Catholic high school students who have parents on the Public School property tax roll can be exempted by parental request.


Click to access RegistrationInstructionsforOpenAccessStudents.pdf

Click to access GF010ReligiousExpectationsletterofacknowledgement.pdf

Peel Catholic School Board’s most famous grad is trans Revlon model #catholic #ocsb #oecta

Was ANYTHING said to her by any teacher about the evils of gender ideology and transgenderism?? How many other children will Gigi lead astray. Jesus will remember this on Judgement Day, CARFLEO and OECTA. Remember, OECTA just a gender confused young adult speak at the AGM last week (to standing ovation)





Personal life
Lazzarato, who had previously identified herself as bisexual,[38] came out as lesbian in a YouTube video on September 14, 2016.[39] Lazzarato is a practicing Roman Catholic and describes herself as religious.[40] Lazzarato is in a relationship with Natalia Williams, an heiress and member of the Getty family.[41]


Was it tough being at a Catholic high school?

Coming out in a Catholic school had its difficulties, but I was making YouTube videos at the time so I think people found it more fascinating. Of course, there were those that were not supportive — there always are! But I surrounded myself with very positive people who only wanted the best for me. I loved high school as a whole. I consider myself really lucky.

FutureChurch lied to Archbishop Durocher #catholic

. and he took it hook line and sinker.. purposeful naivete?? wilful ignorance?
see page 8 of this.. long reply from their Exec Director:
In the USA there is a growing group of Catholics connecting with the ‘FutureChurch’ movement. These Catholics seek the full participation of all baptised Catholics in the life of the Church. They advocate that Eucharistic Celebration is available universally and at least weekly to all baptised Catholics. FutureChurch promotes widespread discussion on the need to open ordination to all baptised Catholics who are called to priestly ministry by God and the people of God. They seek to participate in formulating and expressing the Spirit inspired beliefs of the faithful through open, prayerful and enlightened dialogue with other Catholics locally and globally. The decreasing number of parish priests is their main concern. Their discussions with the local Bishops are focused on women’s ordination and priestly celibacy. They seek women’s full inclusion at every level of decision making in the church from Rome to the local parish. In making their needs known to their Bishops, members of FutureChurch are following the Canon Law of the Church, which states “Christ’s faithful have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the church.” (Canon 212, par 2)


#Catholic #oecta agm delegate says God supports abortion #catholicteachers #oectaagm2017

Oecta agm so far:

1 London Agm delegate says oecta prez Ann, oecta, and God all support abortion

2 official oecta digns for gender free bathooms

3 new official oecta rainbow flags on podium etc

4 pushing pro gay camp micah








#OECTA has ties with 2 more pro-abort groups #ocsb #catholic #prolife @archtoronto

Last month, we uncovered that OECTA (and its President) signed a FAFIA letter supporting abortion. They also helped support a fundraising breakfast for pro-abort LEAF.ca




Now, they are giving $$ to Proabort EqualVoice.ca and CFOTAE









She has appeared on national and international television programs providing millennial perspective on politics, women’s issues, and reproductive rights,





PS: OECTA also donated to the Forum of Theology and Education



Here is ann hawkins , oectaprez retweeting justin suppoorting abortion




So OECTA in bed with FAFIA, LEAF.ca, EqualVoice and CFOTAE. FOUR proab0rt groups! Pls retweet, facebook share, etc etc

#OECTA must be happy with $600M for abortions etc! @archtoronto #ocsb #ocsbdl #prolife #catholic

They officially pushed for it!






Lots of celebrations at the OECTA AGM next week???



The disaster of LA Religious Ed conference at the #OCSB #ocsbdl #catholic

If you don’t want your children to imbibe the garbage from the LA Religious Ed conference, then get them exempted from Religion classes at the OCSB!

Jan Bentham,  Religious Education Coordinator for the Board, was in LA for it.




What do they teach at the LA Religious Ed congress? :











#ocsb diversity day has radical NCCM Islamic presenter #ottnews

Nccm aka cair-can is a radical islamic organization with very scary links!

They were at st pats school in the autumn and a whole board meeting 2 weeks ago. some “diversity”…







Should #OCSB school be allowed to distribute ashes? #s2bgn #ottnews

On Ash Wednesday, there are two formulas that are permissible in the modern Roman Rite (Novus Ordo Missae) when the ashes are imposed on the forehead. Either of the two can we used.

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”


“Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”


But I am hearing crazy reports of what is being said at #OCSB schools:

1) “Jesus wants to come into your heart”.

2) The high school teacher forgot the “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” and used Kansas’ “Dust in the wind.  All we are is dust in the wind.”

We are sure there are many more horror stories.

The simply answer is that parents and children as FAMILIES should attend an Ash Wednesday mass at their parish.

Priests should no longer facilitate wacko home-made school liturgies!


St Joe’s parish studying Lesbian Nuns book. #catholic #ocsb

Studying a book where nuns leave the Church and become Wiccan lesbians. How uplifting. And this is the only ministry to Catholics with SSA in Ottawa. Perhaps the Archbishop or Bishop can attend this evening function?






From the book:


She admits, “Some sisters, after acknowledging Lesbian inclinations have chosen to remain in religious life and forego sexual activity. Other present nuns whose particular friendships have evolved into loving relationships do not consider sexuality incompatible with the vow of chastity.” (Pg. xxvii) She adds, “Most of us have not been sexually involved with men. The men to whom a minority of us were attracted were often gentle, sensitive, intellectual, and nun-like… Very few of us married, and few of us have children… I am the only divorced single mother.” (Pg. xxix) She observes, “Spirituality remains at the center of most of our lives. Many of the former nuns lament the loss of a spiritual community of sisters, although most of us who have left the convent have also left the Church. Only five us who are no longer nuns have remained active in the Catholic Church… Twelve of us now practice Wicca (witchcraft) as feminist spirituality.” (Pg. xxx) She concludes, “This book does not assert that all or even most nuns as Lesbians, nor does it condemn or condone sexual activity in convents. Rather it simply cracks open some crusty old prejudices to voice the truth that daughters and sisters have always resisted the rigidity of the fathers.” (Pg. xxxii)

Why is Bishop McGrattan suddenly brave about GSAs and gender theory? #catholic

Why didn’t Bishop McGrattan speak out against GSAs and gender theory while in Ontario?? Under orders from Roger Lawler et al at ACBO/ICE?

He speaks of only having “Respecting Differences” clubs in Ontario. WRONG! He had GSAs in Peterborough catholic schools. He was told about it too. Wilful ignorance?