More reasons why you should get your child exempted from “Liturgies” at #OCSB #ottnews #s2gn

Religious Ed teachers from the OCSB go to this wacko conference and bring back crazy liturgy ideas!


Get your children exempted from Religion classes and liturgies!!

#ocsb Ottawa Catholics who remarry without nulllity may NOT receive eucharist #ottnews #catholic

Some people in Ottawa may be under the mistaken impression that Amoris Laetitia has changed whether they can receive communion. The answer is no. People who divorce and remarry without receiving a decree of nullity (aka “annulment”), may NOT receive communion.

The above statement is a bit over simplified as there are cases where the couple decides to live as brother/sister, but the headline is generally correct.

This is in line with Bishops from Alberta etc. It is different that what bishops in Malta, Germany and Argentina have mistakenly approved.


Our sincere thanks to Archbishop Prendergast for his brave protection of the sanctity of the Eucharist and for upholding 2000 years of tradition (including Pope John Paul’s Familiaris Consortio)

We hope other Ontario bishops (and Hull etc) make similar announcements soon!!

Go UPSTREAM and look a how anti-Catholic the Ontario #Catholic school system is. #ocsb #tcdsb

This is a popular parable that we have adapted to the “catholic” school system and what parishes are doing for evangelization

Upstream Downstream Parable


The story: One day a group of villagers was working in the fields by a river.

Suddenly someone noticed a baby floating downstream. A woman rushed out and

rescued the baby, brought it to shore and cared for it. During the next several

days, more babies were found floating downstream, and the villagers rescued

them as well. But before long there was a steady stream of babies floating

downstream. Soon, many in the village was involved in the many tasks of rescue

work: pulling these poor children out of the stream, ensuring they were properly

fed, clothed, and housed, and integrating them into the life of the village. While

only a few of the babies, now very numerous, could be saved, the villagers felt they were doing the best they could.


Before long, however, the village became exhausted with all this rescue work.

Some villagers suggested they go upstream to discover how all these babies were

getting into the river in the first place. Had a mysterious illness stricken these

poor children? Were some hateful people throwing them in deliberately?


A huge controversy erupted in the village. One group argued that every possible

hand was needed to save the babies since they were barely keeping up with the

current flow. The other group argued that if they found out how those babies were

getting into the water further upstream, they could repair the situation up there

that would save many many more  babies and eliminate the need for those costly rescue operations downstream.


“Don’t you see,” cried some, “if we find out how they’re getting in the river, we

can stop the problem and no babies will drown? By going upstream we can

eliminate the cause of the problem!”


The downstream is all the programs we have in parishes. Programs like Alpha, Life in the Spirit. They are attended by 90-95% already practising Catholics. They do little to bring back people to the Church. One or two folks per year per parish?

The upstream is the Ontario “catholic” system. It is largely run by OECTA and CARFLEO. We lose 90% of our children there, often by 10-12 years old. 5% remain Catholic (by the work of their parents by doing things like getting exemption from all Grade 9-12 Religion classes) and faithful to all the teachings of the Church. The other 2-5% attend parishes like St Joe’s Ottawa which push LGBTQ, “social justice”, new age etc. There are 37,000 children in the Ottawa Catholic school system – we will forever lose over 35,000 of these children and teens.

The numbers game doesn’t make sense. Why don’t bishops and priests in Ontario go UPSTREAM and fix the problem. And until it can be fixed, do everything to have parishes support homeschooling, independent school etc. This would be a much better use of limited resources and would have many more souls saved!







#OCSB Problems at All Saints Kanata? #ottnews

2017 Update:

Teacher gets off wth 24 day PAID leave and transfer to St Paul’s school


another Update:

Religion teacher sexting:


Paige O’Leary is also a drug addict from All saints



OD by  All saint student.

School board director deploys social workers, counsellors, etc. But no mention of PRIESTS!

2. A convicted murderer. And a student who hears the confession who doesn’t tell police!!


3. Rampant drugs. Ectasy safed away in chapel





minor, but parents coddling kids who break dress code.. and a riot over the dress code. Who is actually in charge over there?


3 #OCSB students convicted of 3 separate murders in 18months. #ottnews

Chris Gobin convicted in fall 2015 of killing his mom


Ahmed Hafizi killed  Navid Niran. Convicted Feb 2016

and now Devontay  Hackett convicted (Feb 2017) of killing Brandon Volpi.


Nobody can find the last murder conviction of an OCDSB student for murder..


But 3 in 18months from OCSB. St Peter’s, All Saints, and St Pius.


What is going on there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





More #OECTA Pro-abort activism. @archtoronto #ocsb #s2bgn #catholic


Yesterday, we wrote about OECTA endorsing abortion via FAFIA group.

Today, we see them sponsoring a breakfast for a radical pro-abort group. This group was very involved in promoting abortion in PEI.


Breakfast sponsored by OECTA. Raises $$ for pro-abort legal work






#OECTA officially endorses abortion. @archtoronto #s2bgn #ocsb #prolife #catholic #ottnews

Update: There is an article on Lifesite on this. Pete Baklinski on Feb 15 2017


A few weeks ago,  Ann Hawkins (President of OECTA “catholic” teachers union) was retweeting pro-abort tweets from the Toronto Women’s march. Slick Jimmy Ryan (former OECTA Prez) defended the retweets and said they did not mean what everyone knew they meant..


Now we see Ann Hawkins and OECTA both EXPLICITLY endorsing abortion!! The words and endorsement are VERY clear!!

What excuse will they come up with this time!???









#catholic school trustees promoting pro-abort Nun #ocsb #s2bgn #oecta #tcdsb #prolife

Teresa Forcades is pro-abort, pro- gay marriage, pro womens ordination etc etc etc

and yet the Catholic School Trustees CCSTA and Ontario catholic Religion teachers (CARFLEO) are promoting her!!!!

Get your children out of the government “catholic” school system!!