#OCSB “Discerning Believer” actually means Dissent to OECTA

We often hear about about “Catholic Graduate Expectations”

This is what OECTA defines as a “Discerning Believer”

page 12: http://issuu.com/oecta/docs/atoecta_june2015

Discerning Believer

Women’s Ordination (declared infallibly by the Church to be impossible) is but one area that OECTA promotes




Thank you!

Over the next 2 days, this blog will pass 25,000 visits. This is beyond the association’s aspirations when we started less than 6 months ago. We are so happy to live in a nation that has the freedoms of speech, religion and conscience.

Thank you to the priests and laypeople who have written words of encouragement, Thanks to the OCSB parents who have brought us items that were anti-catholic in nature so we could report on them

Thank you to those who have downloaded resources like Encourage so they can find out how to love and accept people who have same-sex attraction.

We love all our readers (even those that disagree with us). Prayers are said for all of you often.

#OCSB Sacred Heart GSA “Colour Outside the Lines” violates Respecting Differences protocol

Firstly, why does the blog exist? The Pope wants parents to be MORE involved with education and to stop listening to sexperts, etc! We want to dispel ignorance of Catholic teachings (ie. cathechism and Pope statements). We want to spread the love of Christ and the Holy Mother Hierarchical Church (Pope Francis often calls it that – google it!). WE want people at OCSB know that Mortal Sins are not petty things – this has to do with Eternal salvation or not.



OCSB Director has spoken both to the secular media and the BC Catholic paper how the OCSB uses the “Respecting Differences” douments for its equity and GSAs:


The school is required to follow protocols in a document entitled “Respecting Differences” which guides teachers on how to approach LGBT issues in the school, according to Hanlon.


“When a club is formed, the students or teachers who are running the club explain the Respecting Difference document, he said. “We have used Respecting Difference extensively when it comes to our equity clubs,” he said. Equity clubs should be available to all students, not only on particular issues, he added. “That’s where our schools have landed

The OCSB proudly has the RD document on its website:


The CIA has always wondered about these statements about OCSB GSAs following the RD document given the radical nature of GSAs like St Peter’s Love is Louder and All Saints’  Rethink Hate groups:

Love is Louder 1 Love is Louder (1) Love is Louder Following these groups SPK Love is Louder happy to radical gay

All Saints transgender logo ASH Rethiink Hate 3


Let’s look at the RD document:

a) The Catholic Church and Morality The primary teaching document of the Catholic Church is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is essentially a guide for how to live as a good Catholic. It is to this resource that we should turn whenever we are seeking guidance on any particular issue, although we should always remember that the Catechism is an authoritative précis, not a complete exposition, of Catholic teaching. There are sections in the catechism that pertain to what Catholics should believe (Part 1: Profession of Faith), how we should worship (Part 2: Celebration of the Christian Mystery), how we should act (Part 3: Life in Christ), and how we should pray (Part 4: Christian Prayer). The topic of homosexuality is found in Part 3: Life in Christ. This is the section of the catechism that concerns morality. The Church’s teaching on homosexuality is an extension of its teaching on human sexuality in general. In order to more fully appreciate the topic of homosexuality, it is necessary to situate the discussion within the broader context of the meaning and purpose of human sexuality

b) Prior to an initial meeting, the principal shall: i. Carefully consider selection of staff advisor to monitor and support the group. The staff advisor MUST be an individual who is knowledgeable about and committed to Catholic teaching.; ii. Invite the chaplaincy leader to participate in group meetings, where possible; iii. Clarify the objectives of the group with the staff advisor before meeting with students: See relevant normative policy guidelines including, but not limited to, the 2004 document Pastoral Guidelines to Assist Students of Same-Sex Orientation and the 2011 CCCB statement by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops “Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-Sex Attraction”. iv. Provide In-Service for staff advisor(s) regarding the purpose of the student group and how the group can be supported;

c) Guidelines for “Respecting Difference” Groups 1. All materials whether for group use or for school/community awareness must be reviewed and approved by the staff advisor and administration. 2. All students involved in a Respecting Difference group must agree to strict privacy guidelines including restrictions of all personal electronic devices during meetings, posting on social media sites or breaking of confidentiality of any discussion held in meetings. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of any such group and/or group member. 3. The staff advisor must be present for all meetings from beginning to end;

d) General Procedures for “Respecting Difference” Groups or Activities in Schools: i. All activities and organizations should be opened to all students who wish to participate; ii. The activities and organization of all groups or organizations formed within Catholic schools must be respectful of and consistent with Catholic teaching; iii. All mentors appointed to work with groups of students must know and be committed to Catholic teachings; iv. Any outside speakers must be respectful of Catholic teaching.

Let’s look at Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-Sex Attraction; this is a major document that RD says GSAs should follow:


a) Sexual relations belong within the marriage covenant between a man and a woman, for it is only within this covenant that the two inseparable ends of marriage can be achieved: the deepening of love between spouses and the procreation and education of children.7 Any genital act outside the covenant of marriage cannot fulfill this twofold purpose intended by the Creator and thus is morally wrong. Scripture and Tradition teach that sexual relations between persons of the same sex are not in accord with God’s original intention expressed in the plan For this reason, the Church has consistently taught that homosexual acts can never be approved.

b) In the catechesis of young adults, it is imperative to present in a firm but charitable way the true nature and purpose of human sexuality in all its dimensions. Encourage them in the practice of chastity, especially since society often misunderstands and scorns this virtue. Avoidance of difficult questions or watering down the Church’s teaching is always a disservice. Such attitudes could lead young people into grave moral danger.“ Moral conscience requires that, in every occasion, Christians give witness to the whole moral truth, which is contradicted both by approval of homosexual acts and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons.”16 We ask you to pay particular attention to guiding adolescents and young adults with samesex attraction away from two specific dangers. First, help them see themselves as persons with a God-given dignity and not merely as individuals with sexual inclinations and desires. Second, help them avoid involvement in a “gay culture” opposed to the Church’s teaching, with its often aggressive and immoral lifestyle

Let’s look at Pastoral Guidelines to Assist Students of Same-Sex Orientation


a) “The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition, has been entrusted to the living, teaching office of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ.” This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome…../// Thus, in “Genesis” 19:1-11, the deterioration due to sin continues in the story of the men of Sodom. There can be no doubt of the moral judgment made there against homosexual relations. In “Leviticus” 18:22 and 20:13, in the course of describing the conditions necessary for belonging to the Chosen People, the author excludes from the People of God those who behave in a homosexual fashion.

b) How we act or do not act may encourage those who belong to the same families, institutions, and communities toward evil. Giving scandal amounts to doing wrong against our neighbours, because love for our neighbour dictates that we encourage one another to virtuous conduct…A high school which may be seen by reasonable people generally to be giving tacit consent to homosexual sexual activity would be guilty of grave scandal.


So what is going on the Sacred Heart SHHS “Colour Outside the lines” GSA? See the pics of tweets at bottom from o’Rourke et al

1) it appears that Chaplain “Mary” is not in attendance at all meetings, violating the RD document unless there is another appinted staff member (who is committed to Catholic teachings) is present

2) The problematic movie “Owning our Faith” will be discussed. Has this material been approved by staff advisor AND the administration as per the RD document. Chaplain Mary was the original tweeter, so she appears to approve.

Why is this movie manifestly not allowed according to RD protocols? It is NOT consistent with the Church teachings – it violates both of the Pastoral Documents that we quoted above. It violates CCC 2357:

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

Pope Francis has called Gay “Marriage” diabolical and a manifestation from the “Father of Lies” ie. Satan

More info on this movie:




The “Owning our Faith” video includes interviewees who reject Catholic teaching on sexual morality and marriage.

Matt Putorti, a lawyer from New York City, criticized Catholic teaching in the video, claiming that the Church is telling gay people that “they need to be celibate” and “cannot live fully.”
Putorti said it is “inherently” discriminatory to say, “You can be gay, but you can’t live that life.”
Interviewee Matt Vidal, a lawyer from New York City in a same-sex civil marriage, said that leaving the Church would mean that “it’s never going to change.”
“So we have to continue living here, being an example and encouraging other people to be that example because that’s what’s going to change the Church.”
Another interviewee, Matteo Williamson, co-chairs the transgender caucus of the dissenting Catholic group Dignity USA, which aims to change Catholic teaching on homosexuality.
Williamson, who identifies as a transgender man, said this transition was “immensely spiritual to me.”
The “Owning Our Faith” website recommends a list of parishes on the website of New Ways Ministry, another Catholic dissenting group. In 2011, the U.S. Catholic bishops reiterated that the organization is not allowed to identify as Catholic and said that it puts forward positions that do not conform to Catholic teaching.


In conclusion, the members of this blog ask that the Archbishop of Ottawa investigate to see whether the RD document is being respected by the OCSB Administration and the SHHS Principal and “Chaplain”.

Given various tweets from members of the SHHS GSA, it is clear that the Catechism nor the two pastoral documents are being used to dispel ignorance of the Bible, Tradition, and same-sex attraction.

Please write respectful but firm letters to:

The local trustee, the Director of Ed and the Principal:

John. Curry@ocsb.ca, Director@ocsb.ca , SacredHeart.High@ocsb.ca

See page 40: John curry is local ocsb trustee and photog of cake:



\—-SHHS Grade 12 Student



Deleted FB group from All Saints GSA?

Deleted Facebook group.


Part 2 of #OCSB Sacred Heart Causing Students to Stumble

There has been an enormous response to the CIA blog post on the Sacred Heart “chaplain” posting a link to a pro-gay marriage video and also a bi/trans pride cake sold at SHHS in Stittsville (West Ottawa)

Sadly, NONE of over 510 readers even bothered to click on the link explaining what Pope Francis and the Church teach on the matter. Clearly there is something wrong in “catholic” schools in Ottawa (and Ontario). The blog can see what links you click on from the blog and nobody bothered to even read the Pope’s words. ZERO. ZILCH . NADA.

What is amazing is that the words of the Pope and also the Catechism and also materials from Courage/ENCourage did not speak to the hearts or minds of ANY of the students! They appear to be so poorly catechized that their hearts and minds are cold to Word of God and the Vicar of Christ. It is NOT their fault that they were poorly catechized – but now that these Grade 12 students are new adults, they now have been given links and resources to learn for themselves. (I pray you reach out CCO and Newman Houses next year at university)

There is a perfect opportunity for the SHHS staff next week to actually tell the students exactly what the Church teaches and why. There is wonderful material out there (eg. St JPII’s Theology of the Body). Failure to do so is serious; please remember Jesus’ words: “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

All the members of the CIA do a lot to help the poor (eg. Kenya, Cambodia, Guatemala, Paraguay etc). This is because mistreating the poor is one of the 4 special deadly sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance. Please know that homosexual acts are another.

One can learn how to TRULY love of friends who have same-sex attraction by reading material from EnCourage

PLEASE read these two links:




Here are some tweets to a friend of the CIA- Catholic Intelligence Association. These were after reading the blog post that one should accept people, not bad ideas or sins. But the students’ superficial understanding love and acceptance and respect leads to tweets like these:

Sacred1 sacred2


From Vatican II (and why you should listen to the Pope if you say you are Catholic!):

This loyal submission of the will and intellect must be given in a special way to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak ex cathedra, in such wise, indeed, that his supreme teaching authority be acknowledged with respect, and that one sincerely adhere to the decisions made by him, conformably with his manifest mind and intention, which is made known principally either by the character of the documents in question, or by the frequency with which. a certain doctrine is proposed, or by the manner in which the doctrine is formulated.

#OCSB does “Diversity Day” on March for Life Day

The speech below by Cardinal Collins at March for Life was AMAZING! Unfortunately, none (or few) “chaplains” of the OCSB saw it. Some were at a “Diversity Day”, some had Grade 12 retreats. Apparently, the scourge of 100,000 babies killed per year in Canada and upcoming Euthanasia legislation to kill the elderly and infirm, is not as important as “Diversity Day”.

According to sign-up sheets at M4L, there were about a 100-150 (or so) OCSB students present.  We believe that the OCSB has about 14,000 high school students. 100 students is a pitiful low number – we remember that a SINGLE Ukrainian Catholic school from Toronto last year sent two full buses to M4L

This low number of students can be partially attributed to the OCSB “chaplains” organize days like Diversity Day



Last year’s Diversity Day (mainly LGBT):


2015 Diversity Day: God Yahweh Allah




PS: Don’t forget that many or all (?) “chaplains” claim the CLERGY tax deduction from the CRA


Another #OCSB “Chaplain” promoting LGBT Camp Micah

Yesterday, we wrote about a West End Stittsville “chaplain” promoting an LGBT movie and cake. Today, it is an East end “chaplain” promoting Camp Micah.

We have written about Camp Micah before. Now “Dr Joe”, “Chaplain” of St Peter’s High School Orleans is promoting Camp Micah. No surprise as St Peter’s is home to @SPKloveislouder – a radical GSA activist group


Camp MicahJoe
CampMicah Lesbian

#OCSB “Chaplain” pushing LGBT propaganda movie

Readers: please read what Pope Francis has to say about the homosexual agenda and things like gender fluidity. It is like Hitler Youth indoctrination:



Also the Catechism. Do not just read 2358. Read 2357 and 2359. This blog follows all three paragraphs. The Catholic Church does NOT believe that being against gay marriage is UNJUST discrimination. Only UNJUST discrimination is wrong. Respect and accept PEOPLE, but don’t respect or accept BAD or evil ideas, ideologies or actions. Look into groups like the COURAGE Apostolate.

Chastity and homosexuality

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.


Sadly, as expected, an OCSB “chaplain” is tweeting about “Owning our Faith”. This is an awful movie promoting gay “marriage” etc. Read the following link about the movie and the Crisis Magazine review



Sacred Heart Stittsville:

Sacred Heart Stittsville Owning Our Faith

Sadly, one the Sacred Heart students (a pro-abortion student) students picked up on her misguided “chaplains” tweet and re-tweeted it. SO SAD!

Pro abort Sacred Heart Srudent Retweet of Chaplain

I ask the March4Life marchers today to pray for this school.


Rainbow cake: “…not supposed to be a straight cake”. This cake was for auction at the school

Note: the blue pink white flag is the transgender pride flag. The other flag is the bisexual pride flag



Rainbow Cake Not Straight

#OCSB: Free the Children/We Day now trained on LGBT indoctrination by CCGSD/Jer

The CIA (Catholic Intelligence Association) has long been opposed to Free the Children in schools. The Kenyan Catholic Bishops have asked all Catholics to stop funding them because of their contraceptive push. There is a LONG list of problems with Free the Children in the link below. Everything from Gay strippers to Rude Rap singers to FTC BoD members being Abortion Activists. As well, the Kielburgers have written strong support for Planned Parenthood and “reproductive health services” (we all know what that means)


Kielburgers: “And as women in developing countries fight for reproductive rights, our now Conservative majority government is poised to cut funding to International Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides reproductive health services abroad. It’s a paternalistic refusal to offer women in Africa the same rights offered to women in Canada.”


Now we see Jer’s Vision/CCGSD training the We Day “school trainers” in things like “cissexism” (Cissexism is an anti-Catholic, non-scientific idea: “Cissexism (or cissexual assumption) is the appeal to norms that enforce the gender binary and gender essentialism, resulting in the oppression of gender variant, non-binary, and trans identities.”


Expect FTC/We Day school trainers to be sneaking in some CCGSD material into catholic schools.



Jer's Vision and Free the Children 2 Jer's Vision and Free the Children 1

prochoice JVwayskinner

Elementary Lesson Plan


Activist GSA pushing LGBT book for JK-6 at St George’s #OCSB #ottnews

Horrendous news:


GSAs are NOT support groups. They are ACTIVIST groups that push anti-Catholic material into classrooms.

“”We have a bunch of books that are for, like, the little kids. That’s our rainbow library, that’s what we call it. And we’re going to set up a couple boxes in classrooms so that people who want to see a change in our school, they could just put [ideas for] what we could do better in that box,” said Polly of her plans.”


We know that the new principal for 2015/16 is pro-Day of Pink. So, very bad news



The “Rainbow library” will likely contain books like these:

The books on the table are:
Mommy, Mama, and Me
Uncle What-Is-It Is Coming
Daddy, Papa, and Me

(these are promoted by  Kevin Welbes-Godin (OECTA) – Safe & Inclusive Communities for LGBT
Students & Kevin Lobo (TCDSB) – Catholic Leadership & Social Justice)

Ottawa OECTA LGBT Propaganda Session #OCSB

The OCSB has lost control of its libraries and schools and what is taught to students


Parents: more GSAs in other elementary OCSB schools are coming. What are you willing to sacrifice for your children?

#OCSB Gr.1-6 Prayers to “Thunderbeings”

We already know that #OCSB students have an incredibly poor undertanding of the Catholic faith (eg. 12 year olds preparing for Confirmation thinking that a Gift of the Holy Spirit is “my blanket” or frisbee).

#OCSB Gifts of Holy Spirit now include frisbee and “my blanket”

So, instead of improving Catholic faith formation, a nearby school goes and teaches young children a pantheistic Iroquois prayer to the Four Spirit Beings and “Thunderbeings” etc. What confusion for a child’s mind! This is what “Catholic Education Week” means?



Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen “Words Before All Else”

This prayer is a gift from the Haudenosaunee People (The Iroquois Nation) for you to remember perhaps at your Thanksgiving table – and especially with children. The real observance of the first Thanksgivings by first peoples has been all but forgotten by American culture. It is time to remember.

Let us greet the world in Thanksgiving as if we were sharing one mind, one heart, and one body. Today we have gathered and come from many different places. We have arrived safely at this place to share with each other our gifts from the Creator.

So we bring our minds together as one in Thanksgiving and Greetings to one another.We now turn our thoughts to Earth Mother. She continues to care for us and has not forgotten her instructions from the beginning of time. Now we bring our minds together in Thanksgiving for the Earth.

Now as one mind we turn our thoughts to the Waters of the Earth for they too have not forgotten their instructions from the Creator of Life. The Waters continue to flow beneath the ground, in little streams and in rivers, in lakes and in wetlands, and in the great seas. They quench our thirst and help keep us clean so we can fulfill our duty to Creation. We now bring our minds together in Thanksgiving to all the Waters of the Earth.We now address all the Beings both seen and unseen that dwell in the Water for they too have not forgotten their original instructions from the Creator of Life to provide for us in many ways. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to all the Nations who dwell in the Waters.

Now we direct our thoughts to the many kinds of plants that live upon the Earth- for they too have not forgotten their original instructions. Many members of this Nation sustain those who walk upon this Earth, and many others who continue to fulfill their duties to take away the sickness of the human family and elevate human consciousness. With one mind we send our thoughts and Thanksgiving to the Plant Nations.With one mind we now think of our relations in the many Insect Nations. Like the other members of the natural world, they too have not forgotten their original instructions to fulfill their obligation to Continued Creation.

With one mind we send our thoughts and Thanksgiving to all the members of the Insect Nations.We now gather our minds together and send Greetings and Thanksgiving to all the Animal Life in the world, for they continue to instruct and teach us even today. It is said that the Creator knew that Humans would take too much for granted if they were given all the wisdom, so instead the Creator gave a little piece of wisdom of how to live on the Earth to the different animals. We are happy that many still walk with us on our continuing journey. With one mind we send Thanksgiving to all the Animal Life in the world.

With one mind we now think of the Trees. According to their original instructions the Trees still give us shelter, warmth, food, and make the environment a suitable place to dwell. The trees remind us of the beauty and power in the natural world. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving to all the members of the Tree Nation.

We now bring our minds together and send our Greetings of Thanksgiving to the Birds. At the beginning of time the Birds were given a special duty to perform. The Creator gave the Birds instructions to each find a special place to live in the world and they should learn the song of that place. During the day, our minds are lifted by the songs of the Bird Nations. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving to the Birds of the world.

We are thankful to the Four Winds who continue to blow and cleanse the air according to their original instructions. As we listen to the Winds it is as if we are hearing the Creator’s breath, clearing our minds as it blows through the trees. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving to the Four Winds.We now turn our attention to the Thunderbeings. For they too have not forgotten their original instructions and welcome the Spring with their loud voice. Along with the lightning, they carry the waters of the spring on their backs. It is also said that the Thunderbeings were given the job to hold down the beings beneath the Earth which would prevent life from continuing. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to the Thunderbeings.

Our minds are as one as we send our thoughts to our oldest brother the Sun. Each day the Sun continues his instructions from the Creator of Life, bringing the light of day, the energy source of all life on Earth. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving to our oldest brother the Sun.

We now gather our minds together and give thanks to our oldest Grandmother the Moon. She holds hands with all the women of the world and binds all of the female cycles and rhythms of the Waters so we may continue to carry out our obligation to Creation. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to Grandmother Moon.

With one mind we send our thoughts to the Star Nation who continue to light our way during times of darkness to guide us home, and hold the secrets of many forgotten stories. Even though many of the stories are no longer in our minds, it is said it is enough to be thankful to the Stars and perhaps one day we would learn these stories again. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to the Star Nation.

With our minds as one we think of the Four Spirit Beings who live in the Four Directions. At the beginning of time when the Creator first made the Human Family, it was seen that they very quickly got themselves into trouble. The Creator knew that they needed extra help and so created the Four Spirit Beings to remove the obstacles from our paths and guide us with our feelings. And now we gather our minds together as one and send our special Thanksgiving to the Four Spirit Beings.

Now we have arrived in a very special place where dwells the Great Spirit, the Creator of the Universe. As one mind we turn our thoughts to the Creator, for without the Creator we would not be able to walk on the Earth fulfilling our original instructions.

Everything we need is provided for us and all we have to remember is to give thanks. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to the Creator.We have now become like one being. We send our Prayers and special Thanksgiving Greetings to all the unborn children of the future generations.

We send our thoughts to the Elders and the Children for they give us guidance and purpose to live in a good way. We are thankful to all the Enlightened Teachers who have come to help us throughout the ages. We send our thoughts to the many different beings we may have missed during our Thanksgiving. With one mind we send Thanksgiving and Greetings to all of the Nations of the World.

Now Our Minds Are One.


#OCSB Mom calls all scripture “hate”

All OCSB high schools are “open access” (free for ANYONE to attend). As well I have written that the OCSB elementary schools are defacto also open access:


Below is a comment that is par for the course from an OCSB parent to a Facebook ad during the propaganda week of “Catholic Education Week” (our tax dollars pay for these ads)

She calls Word of God “hate” and cheerfully reports that her children have never been told anything silly like no sex before marriage. She then allows her children to challenge any Catholic teaching they don’t like (they apparently haven’t heard any, so they haven’t had to challenge.

What an interesting “community” of parents and “discerning believers”


Dawn Murray: “My kids go to Catholic school but not because of the religion aspect but because their school rates very high in Ontario. Both of my kids are skeptical of religion and they have never, ever come home spewing scripture (hate) about gays, sex before marriage etc. I tell them they are allowed to challenge teachers as long as they do it in a respectful manner (no saying “that’s stupid or how can you believe that etc etc)”

#OCSB All Saints Kanata “Day of Silence – GLSEN

This day of Silence was NOT to honour those orthodox Catholic students who have been silenced in catholic schools. It was a day founded by GLSEN Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) . Basically the US Cousin of CCGSD/Jer’s Vision

“Rethink-Hate” is the GSA that the 2 elementary girls from St George’s are studying in order to bring a GSA to an elementary catholic school. History of this group:


This week:

Day of Silence

Day of Slielnce GLSEN


Want to learn more about GLSEN and Kevin Jennings (the Obama “Safe Schools Czar”)




CLEANER (from Focus on the Family)



With principal bill walsh:


Principal Bill Walsh

Michael Coren working for Catholic World Report AND writing puff-pieces on Canada’s Gay Oprah AT SAME TIME

Must be nice to play both sides of the tracks. Taking $$ from Catholic World Report, Catholic Diocese of Calgary, etc and at the same time writing puff pieces about Shaun Proulx. He is known as Canada’s Gay Oprah. Big into Toronto Gay media : OutTV, Xtra etc,

He is also into the pushing his own version of the whole Tony Robbins – Oprah thing
“The Power of the First Step”

shaun proulx

Shaun Oprah Canada's Gay Oprah

It’s clear the Coren is siding with Shaun in the following. And it’s clear that Faith still thinks Coren attends Catholic Mass. Oct 2014


At the same time that he was buddying up with Shaun on SunTV, he was rejecting faithful Catholics that have Same Sex attraction that wanted to tell THEIR side of the story! No tolerance for them.

Coren Anglican

What is the faith education at #OCSB #CathEdWeek #NABASHEdWeek

1) It is very unclear whether the opening parent is even Catholic. Perhaps Anglican or United?

2) At 1:01, when Jen Bentham (CARFLEO Exec – read more about CARFLEO on this site!) talks about “indoctrination” or “coercion” of faith. I call it BASIC teaching of facts! Elsewise, 12 year olds grow up thinking that a Gift of the Holy Spirit is “my blanket”

#OCSB Gifts of Holy Spirit now include frisbee and “my blanket”

These kids will grow and depend LESS on the Bible than Public school grads!

How do Public Catholic schools Compare with Public Schools? a Cardus Study

As adults, they will be singing kumbaya as they drive their girlfriend to the abortion clinic or heading of to a gay “wedding”. They will knownothing about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit like Fear of the Lord and Courage.

3) At 1:44, the Grade 10 children call their teacher “Richie”. A bad flashback to the Wow groovy 1970s with folk guitars. Wow, Man.

4) At: 1:49, the children seem to believe that the Faith means “to have their buddy’s back”

But Jesus says this in Matthew 5:46:

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Given this video and all the other info on this blog, I believe CatholicEdWeek shouls be renamed NABASH Education Week

New Age, Buddhist, Anglican, Secular Humanist Education Week = #NABASHEdWeek

Please share! And please look at our other postings on CARFLEO, Yoga, LGBT, OECTA, etc etc