#OCSB teacher hiring encouraging “gender diverse and intersectional identities”

We all know that the pastoral “priest” letter is largely a joke. Very few of the 4000 teacher attend mass and believe in the entire Catechism.

Teacher candidates parish shop and find someone to sign this form (often St Joe’s in Sandy Hill)

The following is a new job posting from OCSB. reference to pastoral letter as “optional” (even if it is a joke)


We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, racialized people, persons with disabilities, people from gender diverse communities and/or people with intersectional identities, as well as others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

(are traditional Catholics allowed? or is that that not covered under diversification of ideas?)

OCSB recently quietly changed their Teacher Hiring policy in March 2021. Reference to the Pastoral Letter is not there

The “Catholicity” policy is up for change this calendar year. The Board never announces what they propose to change, they just quietly change it. I wonder if Pastoral Letter will become optional???

OCSB votes 9-1 for Rainbow Power flag in front of all schools. #catholic

This is simply “truth in packaging” and confirms what is going on daily inside classrooms with rainbow lessons, rainbow flags, GSAs, etc 

Parents and priests can no longer be in denial. All is exposed now.

There were 15 presentations, including by the Archbishop. 11 were opposed and were quite eloquent. Erin Kinsella made a particularly good presentation. The Archbishop was given a mere 180 seconds to speak and spoke very well..

The 4 speakers in favour were:

– NDP MPP Harden

– a queer non-Catholic mom with a a trans kid in an OCSB school

– the head of Ottawa OECTA

(She was/is the “roommate” of former OCSB chair: https://catholicintelligenceblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/04/ocsb-chair-and-her-oecta-boarder/ )

– a parent of 2 trans kids in OCSB (unclear whether he was a Catholic ratepayer)

The speeches by the 9 trustees in favour afterwards were like they never heard ONE concern. It was all about diversity, inclusivity, equity (DIE) and the board’s “strategic plan” of “Be Community”. It was very repetitive. blah blah blah and they spoke at the Grade 4 level and like United Church folks. Trustee Curry said this had NOTHING to do with Catholic teachings – it was all about doing right for students in a publicly funded board.

Twitter is now packed with OCSB teachers celebrating (with rainbow profile pics etc) —

Parents and Priests and the Archdiocese now have choices. Will a priest enter a school with a Rainbow flag flying? Will grad masses be said in schools in June or will parents and students be told why the mass cannot be said in the school? Will priests ever enter an OCSB school?

Will parents force their kids to march under the power of the Rainbow flag for a month in June?

Will parents and grandparents and priests and Bishops and CWL and KofC and all faithful Catholics start ACTIVELY helping independent schools and homeschool groups? Will we move to the American model with solid parochial classical Catholic schools? Can we call the experiment from over the last 35 years with full funding from Caesar a failure and start over?

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us

PS: Niagara and Durham “catholic” school boards also voted tonight to fly rainbow flags. A clean sweep.


This is happening now at the TCDSB for “Pride month”

The sexual assault propaganda has already begun at the TCDSB | Everyday For Life Canada

PPS: video of mtg: https://youtu.be/pCDQwOn-Trc

Erin Kinsella spoke well at 1:01hrs

The Archbishop spoke eloquently  after at 1:05hrs

The mtg went to 10:15 pm. The board had prepped a press release before the mtg and released it at 10:25 pm

#OCSB praises ephebophile Harvey Milk (33yo with 16yo bf). #oecta

In 1964, in his early 30s, Milk began a relationship with Jack McKinley, a theatrical stage manager who was 16 years old when they met in New York.

The age of consent in California is 18OCSB also has secret Gay Straight Alliances mtgs for elem kids with no parental approval required.

the French Catholic Board (CECCE) was flying rainbow flags outside today because of IDAHOBIT Day. Expect them outside for all of June. Truth in Advertising – it just tells ppl what is going on INSIDE the buildings year-round.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us. 

#TCDSB invites Cheri DiNovo to speak to staff on “Homophobia in the Catholic Church”

She is a radical proabortion LGBT activist who hates everything about the Catholic Church.

She is the minister of Trinity St Paul’s UNITED!

Will TCDSB invite Michael Coren the following month to tell teachers how wrong Catholic beliefs are??

TCDSB should be renamed TADSB or TUCDSB (Anglican or United Church)!!

#TCDSB capitulates to Rainbow Pride. #oecta @archtoronto #TCDSB

We have known for a long time that a large majority of #oecta teachers hate Catholic Church teachings as expressed in the Catechism.

Now, there is “truth in advertising” outside schools for June. It simply shows what has been going on inside “catholic” schools for years. Classes have oecta rainbow flags and bling. Teachers and schools have rainbows on their social media profiles.

No parents or priests can pretend that TCDSB schools are spiritually safe for children.

See below:

#ottnews #ocsb #tcdsb Ontario “#catholic” schools have identical moral results to public schools

#OECTA & Pride Parade & Sisters of Joy #catholicteachers #tcdsb @archtoronto

former #OECTA Prez declares Saint Pope JP2 wrong on Gay Pride. #obnoxious #tcdsb @archtoronto #catholic #prolife

#OECTA EGALE partnership was about Genderbread not “bullying”. @archtoronto #tcdsb