Another reason why ACBO and ICE are in support of GenderID sex ed?

Roger Lawler is now the General Secretary of the ACBO (Conference of Bishops of Ontario). Previous to that he was Director of Education for the most noncatholic catholic school board in Ontario (#OCSB runs second according to experts I have talked with about a ranking system)

Wouldn’t a quote like the following raise HUGE alarm bells at the ACBO before hiring him?

Lawler spoke of legitimate differences of opinion on matters of “faith and morals”. “Faith and one’s understanding of faith is not static. As we learned and have been taught as a Post-Vatican II people, we are a Church with rich diversity,” he wrote. Adding: “Diversity also can bring about differences of opinion in areas like theology, faith, and morals. This is natural and healthy for a living, dynamic Church.”


Another incident at WCDSB:


Now Roger Lawler is hoodwinking organizations like the CWL on the new sex ed curriculum. Follow Archbishop Prendergast on this matter, not Mr Lawler!

Letter to members regarding new curriculum  <– pdf of CWL-ACBO Lawler interaction IMPORTANT


The triumvirate of Lawler along with Pautler of ICE (Former Director of Education at Halton; also known for presenting a paper discussing “discerning a same sex orientation”) and Julian Hanlon (soon to leave as Director of Ed for the #OCSB to be Exec Director of the Canadian catholic School Trustees – CCSTA) needs to watched carefully.

I don’t know this triumvirate of men personally and I am sure they have good intentions. However, I will NOT be entrusting the souls of my children to Lawler/Pautler/Hanlon!



Archbishop Prendergast on the New sex ed:

Will #ocsb obey Archbishop or Pharaoh Wynne on Sex Ed?




Update: Roger Lawler: Fan of Wynne, Trudeau (and Reg Cohn of TorStar) and GAY PRIDE

lawler pride





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