#OCSB and troubled CARFLEO

The OCSB and the Religion Teachers Organization have close ties.

In fact, OCSB Coordinator of Religious Education and Family Life Education, Jan Bentham is on the CARFLEO Executive and the OCSB was quite proud of her receiving the CARFLEO Pockock award for 2014.


bentham pocock

But CARFLEO is  a VERY troubled organization. I have written previously about their poor World Religions material for Grade 11 (particularly Hindu and Islam), now they pushing a conference with 2 notorious dissidents!


Just googling Chittister and dissent will come up with tons of info.

Here is one on her about abortion, women’s ordination, contraception etc


Here is one about her connect to “Call to Action”


Likewise, O’Murchu is a dissident and has been roundly condemned for his heretical views. Just one example for the Spanish Bishops Conference:


CARFLEO is NOT even trying to be inside the Catholic Church anymore! Why does the OCSB love them so? 

Lifesite Joan

Joan1 O-Murchu


3 thoughts on “#OCSB and troubled CARFLEO”

  1. Again, any consistency between CARFLEO and authentic Catholicism is pure coincidence. CARFLEO is an unhinged carousel fueled by novelty and titillation. That it advertises and promotes The Canadian Forum on Faith and Theology (formerly called High School Forum) does not surprise me. This Forum and CARFLEO and are two dissident whelps from the same dissident litter, a raw faith destroying Modernism, exactly what Pope St. Pius X condemned, in 1907. In 1981, I attended that High School Forum. To me it was just closet agnosticism with a Catholic veneer. I never went back and continuously, over the years, advised fellow teachers not to go. The people who organize and support these groups are the ones who, like giddy cheerleaders, run after the likes of Chittister, O’Murchu and Gregory Baum. I do feel sorry for the young teachers who have known nothing else but defective Catholic bashing catechesis all through their education and then end up going to such slop fests. I hope that more teachers begin to check out this site.


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