Former #OECTA Prez attacks KofC #oecta #catholicteachers #kofc

Former OECTA  President Jimmy Ryan continues the LGBTQ push (OECTA marched in Gay Pride on Sunday).. now attacking the Knights for donating to organizations that believe the Church’s teachings on sexuality.


Horror of horrors, the Knights donate to EWTN and the NCBC National Catholic Bioethics Centre!!






The knights have to stop coddling all these dissenting teachers!! KofC needs to protect our children from OECTA run schools!


Please note that the National “Catholic” Reporter has been banned for many years under Canon 216 from using the name “Catholic”. They ignore their local Bishop’s order.

As well, New Ways Ministry is also an organization not allowed to do “Gay ministry”

Cardinal George’s statement had criticized the organization for being misleading.“No one should be misled by the claim that New Ways Ministry provides an authentic interpretation of Catholic teaching and an authentic Catholic pastoral practice,” the cardinal said. “Their claim to be Catholic only confuses the faithful regarding the authentic teaching and ministry of the Church with respect to persons with a homosexual inclination.”




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